Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Post #2

Did you know?

First reaction was "thats interesting". I thought it was cool that somebody was able to obtain all this random information. I find it very interesting that information that is taught one's freshman's year is outdated by his or hers junior year of college. The piece about how the "top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004" is mind boggling. Its scary that our technology is growing that fast. Overall it was a mind opening video.

Mr. Winkle wakes

During this video, Mr. Winkle wakes to find that technology has changed everything from work to hospitals, except school. This video like the previous video shows how the technology has changed everything except the learning experience. I think thats the point of the creator of this article is trying to make. He is trying to point out that schools need to change and use the new technology instead of staying back in a "technological" dark age.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Many of Sir Ken Robinson's points relate to the other two articles. He is mainly saying how education now is outdated. He talks about how the structure of the education system was built on the industrial revolution; a concept I never have thought about before. The fact that the world has changed dramatically in the last hundred years should be a reason to change the system. In to days world, everybody want everything to be efficient. What is efficient about an outdated school system. If we, as educators, want to be able to educate and instruct people on how to make it in todays world, and to how to keep up with the times, we need to keep up with the times.

Vicki Davis: Harness your student's digital smartness

Vicki is reiterating what all the other videos have discuss, use of technology in the class room. She shows how children from a small rural town can be connected to the rest of the world and learn how to teach new technology. This makes sense. Learning technology is like swimming, you throw the student in the middle of it and at first they will have trouble staying on top but after time they will start to learn to master it.


  1. I enjoyed reading through all your post. I like that you pointed out in Vicki Davis' video how "She shows how children from a small rural town can be connected to the rest of the world and learn how to teach new technology." Being from a small town I would have never thought of or tried to talk and communicate constructively with people across the world.

  2. Excellent observations Sam! I agree it is stunning to realize that the jobs we are preparing students for this year may not be around two years from now. This is why keeping up with the changing technology is so important. One of the best ways we can help our students is to model what we want them to learn. In this world where things are changing so fast if we model adaptability and openness to change and learn new things our students will be able to adapt in the future.

    Your blog is looking good. On the right column your "About Me" gadget should be on top. Keep up the good work. SS
